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Escal Plaza opens for 24 hours from today2023.12.23

Exciting News! Escal Plaza is now open 24/7! With a FRESHLY renovated Burton Shop and the NEW Curry restaurant Ringorilla Be sure to check it out!
The areas available for skiing are Alps Daira and Toomi Slopes.
Depending on conditions, more areas may become available, so please ski with caution and enjoy!
Due to limited snow, please be cautious while skiing. Using brand-new or cherished boards is not recommended.
The downhill course from Alps Daira is closed. Therefore, the only way to descend from Alps Daira to Toomi Area is by taking the 8-person gondola. Thank you for your understanding.

・8人乗りゴンドラ五竜テレキャビン Gondola 8:15 ~15:15 (下り最終15:45)
・アルプス第1ペアリフト Alps 1st Pair 8:30 ~ 15:30
・アルプス第3ペアリフト Alps 3rd Pair 8:30 ~ 15:20
・スカイ4リフト Sky Four Quad 8:15~16:00
・とおみ第1ペアリフトToomi 1st 8:15~15:50

・Adult 7,500 yen Child 3,800 yen  ※+500 deposit required

Escal Plaza
・Ticket Center 8:00 ~ 17:00
・GORYU RENTALS 8:00 ~ 17:00
・Burton Shop 8:30~16:30
・Souvenir 8:15~21:00
・Onsen 13:00~21:00
・500 Miles 9:00~18:00
・Daycare 9:00~16:00

◇エスカルプラザ Escal plaza
・Hull 10:00~16:00
・Ramen 10:00~21:00
・Subway 7:00~17:00
・Yogorino 9:30~17:30
・Sol   10:00 ~ 16:30
・Lift Up Coffee 9:00~16:00
Alps Daira
・Alps 360 9:00 ~ 15:45 

Shuttle bus

Free parking, overnight parking not permitted.