Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet. @tonbei2021.03.28
Just want to jump on my bike and feel the heat. Hi, it’s tonbei here.
The phrase is quoted from Bob Marley, I would like to be “some people” to feel the rain.
How about the others?
The conversation in the morning was focused on the rainwear, while the sky was dark and cloudy.
….And became rainy and windy afterward.
It definitely a hard task to participate the exam in the rain.
I got nervous at my first exam, and watched by others makes it even worse.
Some ground was uncovered, and please be careful of the stones and obstacles.
If you found an area that is dark or grey, that’s one of the indicators of exposed ground.
Stones will make some scratches on your skis even more than soil.
The rain was throughout the day, and I was eventually not a “some people” but “others”.
This is my last post for the season, see you next season!
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